Hiring a foundation repair contractor is unlike hiring any other contractor. The repair will not be tested for years to come. Since 1956 McCoy has seen 126 contractors come and go in the Yellow Pages. Out of the following 4 questions every homeowner must decide which is most important.
What?: What is going to be done to fix the foundation? Different contractors will offer different solutions. They will offer different styles of drain tile and various methods of repair. The confusing part for a homeowner is, they all may make sense. Deciding what needs to be done can be a frustrating process. Ultimately you must fully understand the underlining cause and fully trust their solution to the problem.When?: When is it going to be done? This is the easiest decision, and the one you have the most control over. In most services the sooner you want it done the more you can expect to pay. There is no need to panic, don’t be in a hurry, you’re basement won’t fall down
How Much?: How much you spend is ultimately what every home owner will be concerned with in the end. However, as everyone has learned the hard way, there is no cheap way to a proper repair, don’t be fooled into what seems like a deal. 23% of our work is typically re-doing other contractors previous repairs. What is expensive is doing it twice.
Who?: Basement repairs are costly and ultimately the company you select must provide you with unwavering confidence in their abilities.